Knowledge vs belief/Conscious Vibez/ king El Jah Ra/Blog

Knowledge vs belief

As we grow from a child to an adult,  we are bombarded with the present day culture, in what ever time period we are born. I Believe knowledge is Good, to gain facts, information,  and skills. Yet the wrong type of knowledge, still will impress the mind.  Knowledge is first gained though the things we are familiar with. The things we engage with giving us expierence of some kind. These expierences create branches of Knowledge we use for our everyday life.
Knowledge is consider a body of truth,  information, and principles  acquired by humanity. Our knowledge is so vast its to much for one person to know it all.

Most of the basic Knowledge we have is not learned from a book. It's from everything we have seen with our eyes, and felt with our hands. It is from the things we have seen and witnessed in our surroundings. Our senses sends information to our mind everyday, information is Knowledge. Yet society emphasizes and mainly recognizes things done with knowledge, and that is tied with belief. we are conscious living beings, knowledge is in our glance. knowledge is always at our finger tips.

Now I must tell you. Not all beliefs constitute knowledge, and no knowledge should be taken in as true belief. It will come a point where, with all of your knowledge. You will tell your self, well Santa ain't real, moms and dad was the tooth fairy, and Jesus wasn't white. Go to school and be successful, and be happy, the end. most of what we have been taught has been deceptive. All of this information we have recieved from outer sources, before getting the chance to know how powerful belief is.

Belief is the ability to accept that a statement is true. You usually believe in the knowledge which you find of value, your ability to believe gives you trust and faith in the knowledge that you wish to exercise. Knowledge is empty with out belief, you can know so much but terrified to share it. If believing allows you the ability to accept a statement as true. Imagine if you believe in yourself,  and said "I will believe and use my knowledge to be happy and move forward in life."BELIEVE" It is common knowledge that everybody wants that, but to ignite the power to of belief turns those wants into reality.

                                   King El Jah Ra


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