Exercises to help develop spiritually

I am grateful to continue with confidence.

I am grateful to have a better perspective of myself, beyond the perspective of the world.

I am grateful that have the ability to believe in myself even when it’s tough.

I am grateful to feel higher vibrational emotions.

I am grateful to have everything I need for success within me.

I am grateful to gain deeper levels of self love, and self development.

I am grateful everything is working out for my highest good.

I am grateful to have a direct connection with source, and through that the way I identify myself has evolved.

                👑 king El Jah Ra 👑




Most high clear the way, in ways I cannot. Lift me where I fall short, transmute all lower vibrations into higher vibrations inside of me and all around me. Allow me to see clearly, and act with clear intentions. Renew me in every way so that I may be whole in essence and character. Let all matters of deception be revealed, allow all that is truly meaningful come to the for front.

Ashe/Amen.                  👑 king El Jah Ra 👑




Release writing

I have felt great pain, I have felt like a disappointment and have been disappointed in people. With that said My transformation was the only option, realizing I will never fit in, as well not everyone can or even will walk with you. In my transformation all of my disappointment turned into passion, a passion that I’ve always had but had no one to ever nurture.

Inside my transformation I began to nurture my own being, and that light which I never understood became who I am. Looking back at it none of those disappointment’s matter anymore because, I know exceed the expectations of all I thought I knew. If I never became who I am, my light would not shine so bright in such a dark world and that would be a horrible disappointment in death I could not accept.    

                    👑 king El Jah Ra 👑

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