Day 2/Commercial culture vs. Originality/Conscious Vibez/King El Jah Ra

Commercial culture vs. Originality

The power of influence is known to the masses, but cannot be understood by the veiwer stuck in amazement. Commercial culture is infectious, with mass promotion behind it. Alot of times originality is discovered, it seems those in power want to capitalize by Commercializing it.
The eye on originality is skewed, where truly genius people get over looked for not being tools of the system.

What's your favorite rap song? The things they are talking about,  ask yourself do you really want to live like that? Or has it become more Commercialized to the point no other voices are heard. Why do you even listen to music? Why don't you create your own music to like? Wouldn't that be original.

I guess it's easier to be Commercial, follow the trends. Try to fit in to boxes society created, instead of building boxes filled with your own values. The United States is a corporation, so I can understand their value in a commercialized culture.

The real problem with a commercialized culture. People become robotic, and society will down fall because geniuses are not recognized more then those which we observe for entertainment. Just think,  politics has been commercialized, religion, our music and even spirituality.

Originality is the spark of a new political party with values of freedom. Originality inspired people who followed religious leaders, who were against commercialized religion. Music made with originality has soul in it. originality in spirituality allows you to meet God where you are at,  and use any tools at your disposal.

Thank you for stopping by the kings Court

                                                  King El Jah Ra

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